Campus Life
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Student Involvement: Connections Beyond Classes
Your education includes so much more than going to class. At UWA, there are countless opportunities to be a part of something great — from service organizations and Greek Life to clubs and organizations. You can also choose to lead your fellow students, cheer the Tigers along, make music, sing, dance and more. The more involved you become, the richer and more rewarding your college experience will be.
Clubs & Organizations

Clubs & Organizations Highlights

Membership in a fraternity or sorority offers students a unique opportunity to have a balanced college life with a focus on academic excellence, brotherhood/sisterhood, leadership development, service and responsible social interaction. Greek life also gives students the opportunity to make lasting friendships with those who have similar ideals, passions and common purposes.

For those seeking to maximize their academic experience, Honor Societies exist for several different pursuits.

These organizations exist to help students serve both UWA and the surrounding community.

Student Involvement
Student Involvement Highlights

The UWA Bands program is dedicated to creating rewarding musical performances at concerts and athletic events through our numerous ensembles. Additionally, every member receives a band scholarship.

Campus Activities

Campus Activity Highlights

Whether working out on your own or as part of a group, UWA Fitness Center has a fit for you. From group fitness and aquatic classes to free weights, cardio, and more, this is the place to push yourself.

UWA Intramurals offer students, faculty, and staff the chance to compete and have fun in a range of sports, tournaments, events, and more. Everyone is welcome regardless of skill level—it’s a fun-first activity!

Livingston is close to some of the state’s most beautiful parks and outdoor attractions. Hike the beautiful Sumter County Nature Trails and raft on the Sucarnoochee River and Lake LU, right on the UWA campus, and much more.

Our 90-seat cinema is owned by UWA and staffed by our students. Located about three blocks from campus, it’s a public theater open to anyone, offering our Livingston community and our students a great experience.
Student Conduct
The babyÖ±²¥ expects students and organizations to adhere to the Code of Student Conduct, which governs behavior and responsibilities. They are required to comply with local, state and federal laws and regulations and contribute to a safe and conducive learning environment, with the Code prohibiting any interference or harm to individuals or the University.