Welcome to the babyÖ±²¥!
At UWA, we welcome students, faculty and staff from all corners of the globe. Our small campus and home-like feel are ideal for learning and connecting with classmates and professors. Here, you will get an exceptional education and you¡¯ll build friendships and connections that will last for the rest of your life.
But most importantly, we¡¯ll prepare you for the next step in your life, whether it is graduate school or moving on into your career; whether you remain in the United States or return home.
A few things we know to be true:
- A diverse student population is essential to providing a world-class education. We welcome students, faculty and staff from around the world to our campus.
- Your life will be infinitely richer having studied in the United States and at UWA in particular.
- You will be prepared to pursue whatever goals you set for yourself.
- Your presence allows everyone associated with our university and local communities to gain a broader knowledge of the global community that we all share.
Dear International babyÖ±²¥, Welcome to the babyÖ±²¥!
Established in 1835, the babyÖ±²¥ provides opportunities for students to pursue a quality education through undergraduate and graduate programs in the humanities and social sciences, natural sciences and mathematics, nursing, business and technology and education. The University also provides students opportunities for growth beyond the classroom through a wide range of extracurricular activities, programs, and services and through the maintenance of an environment of cultural and intellectual diversity.
The babyÖ±²¥ is a state-supported, educational institution of higher learning governed by a Board of Trustees appointed by the Governor of the state of babyÖ±²¥. As a regional institution, the University is committed above all to meeting the educational needs of the state and particularly of the West babyÖ±²¥ area. Valuing a diverse student enrollment, however, it also welcomes students from throughout the United States and from other countries.
A vibrant, diverse and talented University is paramount to excellence in teaching and counseling. Its members also commit, through their research, to guide and encourage the positive growth of the institution. The emphasis is on respecting the educational, social, cultural and economic needs of their students.
Chers ¨¦tudiants internationaux, Bienvenus ¨¤ l¡¯babyÖ±²¥!
Fond¨¦e en 1835, l¡¯babyÖ±²¥ donne la chance aux ¨¦tudiants de suivre des formations de qualit¨¦, que ce soit en Licence ou en Master, en Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Sciences naturelles et math¨¦matiques, soins infirmiers, gestion des entreprises, Technologie et en ¨¦ducation. L¡¯Universit¨¦ donne aussi l¡¯opportunit¨¦ aux ¨¦tudiants de s¡¯¨¦panouir au-del¨¤ du domaine acad¨¦mique au travers d¡¯activit¨¦s extrascolaires, programmes et services et gr?ce ¨¤ un environnement culturel et intellectuel diversifi¨¦.
L¡¯babyÖ±²¥ est une Universit¨¦ d¡¯Etat, Institution d¡¯enseignement sup¨¦rieur dirig¨¦ par un Conseil d¡¯Administration nomm¨¦ par le Gouverneur de l¡¯Etat d¡¯babyÖ±²¥. En tant qu¡¯Institution r¨¦gionale, l¡¯Universit¨¦ s¡¯engage ¨¤ r¨¦pondre aux besoins ¨¦ducatifs de l¡¯Etat, particuli¨¨rement l¡¯Ouest de l¡¯Etat d¡¯babyÖ±²¥. Valorisant la diversit¨¦, l¡¯Universit¨¦ accueille des ¨¦tudiants venant de tous les Etats-Unis ainsi que de l¡¯¨¦tranger.
Une Universit¨¦ vivante, diverse et dot¨¦e de talents est primordiale ¨¤ l¡¯excellence de l¡¯enseignement et du conseil. Ses membres s¡¯engagent ¨¦galement, au travers de leurs recherches, ¨¤ guider et encourager une croissance positive. L¡¯accent ¨¦tant mis sur le respect des besoins ¨¦ducatifs, sociaux, culturels et ¨¦conomiques de leurs ¨¦tudiants.
N¡¯h¨¦sitez pas ¨¤ nous contacter par email ip@uwa.edu si vous avez des interrogations. Toutes vos questions sont les bienvenues et ce dans toutes les langues!
F¨¹r internationale Studierende, Willkommen auf der Seite der babyÖ±²¥!
Die babyÖ±²¥ wurde 1835 gegr¨¹ndet und bietet Studierenden die M?glichkeit eine Ausbildung in den verschiedensten Fachbereichen zu erwerben, sei es in einem Bachelorstudiengang (undergraduate programs) oder einem weiterf¨¹hrenden Studium (graduate programs). Zu diesen Fachbereichen z?hlen die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (the humanities and social sciences), Naturwissenschaften (natural sciences and mathematics), der Studiengang zur Krankenpflege (nursing), Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Technologie (business and technology) und der Fachbereich der Erziehungswissenschaften (education). Die Universit?t bietet Studierenden zus?tzlich zahlreiche M?glichkeiten der Erfahrungserweiterung au?erhalb des Lehrplans durch sogenannte extracurriculare Aktivit?ten, Programme und Serviceleistungen im Rahmen einer kulturellen und intellektuell gepr?gten Umgebung der Interkulturalit?t.
Die babyÖ±²¥ ist eine ?ffentliche vom hiesigen Bundesstaat gef?rderte h?here Bildungsinstitution, die von einem durch den Gouverneur des Bundesstaates babyÖ±²¥ berufenen Kuratorium verwaltet wird. Als regionale Institution setzt sich die Universit?t in erster Linie die Aufgabe die Ausbildung und Karrieref?rderung der Einwohner des eigenen Bundesstaates und insbesondere derjenigen im Westen babyÖ±²¥s zu gew?hrleisten. Gleichzeitig legt die Universit?t ebenso Wert auf eine weit gef?cherte und gemischte Studentenschaft und hei?t deshalb auch insbesondere Studenten aus den gesamten Vereinigten Staaten und aus anderen L?ndern willkommen.
Eine dynamische und talentierte Fakult?t tr?gt zu au?ergew?hnlichen Leistungen im Bereich der Lehre und fachlichen Beratung bei. Die Lehrenden setzen sich dabei besonders f¨¹r die Betreuung der Studierenden ein und f?rdern deren pers?nliche Weiterentwicklung in den Bereichen Forschung und Lehre in Hinblick auf die sozialen, kulturellen und wirtschaftlichen Bed¨¹rfnisse ihrer Studierenden.
Bei weiteren Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne per Email unter ip@uwa.edu zur Verf¨¹gung und begr¨¹?en dabei Anfragen in den unterschiedlichsten Sprachen.
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Application Information
Whether you¡¯re a freshman, transfer student, exchange student or graduate student, making the move to go to school in a different country can be difficult. The information below can make the complexity of applying for admission at UWA easier. To learn more, click here.
Information for Accepted babyÖ±²¥
This is an exciting time and we look forward to having you join us on campus. Before you begin your journey, there are a number of things you need to take care of. We want to make this part of the process as easy as possible.
How to Apply for an F-1 Student Visa
You will often hear and read the term SEVP or SEVIS. The Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) is a program within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that manages the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS). SEVIS is the internet-based system that maintains records of foreign students and exchange visitors before and during their stays in the United States.
Receive your certificate of eligibility for nonimmigrant student status Form I-20 (for F visa). You are receiving these instructions because you have just received your I-20 and are now ready to go on to:
Pay the SEVIS fee. You must pay a SEVIS fee and fill out other visa application forms prior to your visa interview. Go to the SEVIS I-901 fee processing website () for complete information about paying your SEVIS fee. Follow the instructions carefully. For more information, you may also visit the Study in the States website for students (). Visa interview scheduling is done online or by phone at most U.S. embassies and consulates.
Schedule Your Interview and Apply for Your Visa (This step does NOT apply to Canadian citizens.) Refer to the U.S. nonimmigrant visa website .
It is best practice to ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond the end of your study in the United States and that your name is spelled correctly and appears the same on all documents.
Be sure to have your Form I-20 and your SEVIS receipt.
Confirm with your embassy or consulate that you have the required documents and schedule your visa interview following the instructions on the .
During the interview, be prepared to answer questions regarding your ties to your home country, your English language skills, your academic background, the program in the United States to which you have been admitted and proof of your financial ability.
How to Interpret Your Visa

English Proficiency Evaluation
International students need to provide proof of proficiency in English. Here are guidelines for several different testing sites.
English Language Proficiency Evaluation Appeal Process (Undergraduate Applicants Only)
The following appeal process allows departments to request admission consideration for international students who have met all admission requirements, except English Language Proficiency.
International Orientation
Information on International Orientation coming soon!
Making Preparations
It¡¯s almost time! We want to make your travel to UWA as easy and convenient as possible. A few things to consider:
Before you leave:
If you need any immediate medical assistance (medical, dental, or vision), it may be more convenient to visit your local doctor before leaving home.
In addition, if you have any traditional medicines, you may want to bring them with you as it is not guaranteed you will be able to find them in the Livingston area.
Prescriptions for controlled drugs cannot be refilled in the US without seeing an American doctor. So, please plan accordingly.
Items to carry with you:
Your passport must be valid for six months after the date that you expect to arrive in the United States
- Your visa within your passport
- Your signed SEVIS Form I-20
It may help to have the name and contact information of the designated school official at UWA. Should issues arise, you will be able to contact her.
Please find your international student advisor below:
Dr. Mark Davis
Dean of International Programs
Meng Xu
International Admissions Counselor
Fengna "Yvette" Gregg
International Coordinator
What to Bring with You:
Please put these in your carry-on luggage as it is possible that checked luggage can be temporarily misplaced.
- Airline Ticket
- Passport
- I-20 or DS-2019
- Documentation of your permanent residence in your home country
- Copies of Medical and Dental Records (if possible)
- Supply of any medications
- Extra pair of eyeglasses (important!)
- $300.00 in American Currency, Credit Cards, and your payment for your first-semester tuition and fees in the form of travelers¡¯ checks or cash
- Change of Clothing (basic¡ªunderwear, shorts, t-shirt, sandals)
- Contact information for the International Office for The babyÖ±²¥:
Robert G. Upchurch
Vice President of Human Resources
Station 1, Livingston, AL 35470
(205) 652-3533
Immunization and Medical Records Verification for New International babyÖ±²¥
For the safety of our campus community, all students are required to have certain up-to-date immunizations before arriving on campus. As such, all new students must verify their immunization and medical histories through our Student Medical Report and Immunization form.
All incoming international students, regardless of classification, must have the following vaccinations and documentation:
- Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine - All students born after 1956 must have had 2 doses of the vaccine. One dose must have been the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine. A copy of a lab report showing proof of immunity from measles (rubeola), mumps and rubella can be submitted in lieu of the vaccine.
- TB Skin Test or BCG Vaccine - A negative Tuberculosis Test is required of all international students. babyÖ±²¥ who are found to have a positive test will not be permitted to attend classes until follow-up testing can be completed and it is determined there is no active Tuberculosis disease. Record of BCG Vaccination can be submitted in place of a TB Skin Test.
- Please complete and email the UWA Medical History and Immunization Form to .
We recommend that all incoming students, especially those living in residence halls, have the following vaccination:
- Meningitis Vaccine (A, C, Y, W-135) ¡ª within the past five (5) years
*Online Learners are not required to provide proof of immunizations.
Failure to comply with Immunization and Medical Records Verification, including verification of all required immunizations, will result in an inability to register for classes and participate in other pre-fall activities such as athletics, band, cheerleader tryouts, practice or residence hall check-in.
Individual Colleges, e.g., the College of Nursing, may have additional immunization requirements. These are general guidelines to be interpreted by the staff and subject to change based on the medical needs of the University.?
Medical history and immunization information MUST be submitted at least one month prior to your intended enrollment date: We recommend having everything verified prior to your attendance at UWA Orientation, as you will not be allowed to register for classes without being cleared.
Housing at UWA
Among the integral parts of any student's experience is living in an entirely new environment, whether on- or off-campus. Your roommates may become friends for life, you¡¯ll find yourself in new and diverse social circles and begin to create the foundation for living as an adult that will serve you on the next step of your journey. While all freshmen start UWA life at Gilbert Hall, there are several options for on- and off-campus living as you progress.
To learn more about our housing options and apply for housing, click here.
Medical Insurance
All UWA international students on F-1 visas are required to have health insurance and will automatically be enrolled in LewerMark Insurance each term they are at UWA. The International Health Insurance fee for the fall and spring terms will automatically go into the student account each term after registering for classes.
Information regarding LewerMark insurance can be found here: .
Waiver Procedure: babyÖ±²¥ must apply to waive the insurance directly through LewerMark. babyÖ±²¥ who successfully waive through LewerMark must reapply to waive each academic term. Click here to review the new waiver procedure overseen by LewerMark.
New Student Airport Pickup
Complimentary (free) transportation from Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport (BHM) is available for new international students. Scheduling information will be communicated directly to students via their UWA email. Transportation from any other airports on dates not designated each semester must be arranged and paid for by the student.
Complimentary Transportation
Complimentary trips may be arranged around the Thanksgiving holiday, Spring Break, end of term, and beginning of term. Those dates and arrangements will be communicated directly to students via their UWA email.
Non-complimentary Transportation
All non-complimentary transportation must be scheduled and approved a minimum of two weeks prior to the date of travel.
Transportation from Birmingham (BHM) depends on driver availability and may be available for up to six (6) passengers at the cost of $150.00. Transportation to other locations may be available depending on distance and driver availability.